Everything about BWRT® is explained on the home page along with videos and even an exercise you can do yourself. If you have any questions, check below and if there’s anything else you’d like to know or if you’d like to book a consultation with Tina, just get in touch.
Will I have to relive my fears?
No - BWRT isn't used like that. In fact, the practitioner doesn't even have to know what your exact fear is. You might only say something like: "I have these panic attacks..." and that's all the practitioner needs to know.
Do you have to be really ill before this therapy works?
Not at all! BWRT can help all manner of uncomfortable situations and conditions. The best thing is to talk to a practitioner who will be happy to discuss your needs in detail.
I've had problems for a very long time - will that hinder the therapy?
Not in the least! The brain doesn't 'do' time so it doesn't matter how long a problem has existed... BWRT® works with the part of the brain before symptoms are created. Problems that are thirty-years-old can be resolved just as quickly as if they started only a month or so ago.
Are there any unpleasant side effects?
There are no lasting side effects. Some people feel slightly 'disconnected' for a few seconds - no longer - as the brain lets go of the problem at the end of the session.
How many sessions will I need? I don't have a lot of money.
One of the great things about BWRT is its speed. Often, a single session is sufficient to resolve your problems. It's rare for there to be a need for a high number of sessions.
Does it last?
Yes! When your problem is resolved with BWRT it generally stays resolved. On the rare occasions there is a partial return, it can be easily dealt with.
Does it always work?
Unfortunately there's not a therapy in the world that can make that claim but BWRT® comes close.
Can it work for performance enhancement?
It certainly can. Whether it's for athletics, business, relationships, sex, driving, exams or anything else where you need to give your best, BWRT can be effectively employed.
Are all practitioners properly trained?
Yes, they are, and if not by Terence Watts, the creator of the process, then by somebody who themselves trained directly with him. Many go on to be registered with The British BrainWorking research Society which means they have to maintain continual professional development. But everybody listed on this site has received the full training, and all have to have received training in 'standard' therapy before they can study BWRT®.
Can it help with things like alcoholism, gambling and eating disorders?
It can, but those are complex issues and it's impossible to state definitely that it will work every time. Having said that, the success rate is very high and the relapse rate very low. For Alcoholism or Eating disorders, you will need to have had a conventional medical consultation/diagnosis before our practitioners are allowed to work with you.
What happens in a session?
After getting some details from you, the practitioner will explain how BWRT works and then it's on into the therapy itself. This stops the troubling response in its tracks so that the brain then waits for better information - and that will come from your own mind based on what you want, rather than as in most therapies where it's often based on what the therapist thinks you should have. This is why BWRT is so effective. We use your own brain processes to create the processes you want instead of you having to put up with the ones that are giving you problems.
But how do you do that?
We start by 'freezing' the troubling thoughts then we employ a technique called 'Recursive Looping' to condition the way the brain responds to triggers. BWRT is the first and only therapy known to work exactly in this manner, making it one of the fastest and most effective therapies around.
I have a question that's not listed here - what do I do now?
Get in touch with Tina and ask, and if you’re ready to take the next step, you can book a consultation below.