
Tina Kitcatte


“When you are seeking help for a psychological problem, you quickly discover that there are so many different and sometimes bewildering therapies to choose from and that trying to decide can make you anxious in itself!

The great thing about BWRT which makes it the unique therapy that it is, is that you don’t need to tell me anything you don’t want to talk about – there is no need to reveal your secrets or any intimate details about yourself, it is a completely non-judgemental therapy.  That may sound a little unbelievable I know, but I will only need to know a little of what you want us to work on together.

It is a very ‘logical’ therapy and is quick to work.  It requires you only to think about how you would prefer to feel instead of how you feel already.

It can be effective in treating pretty much anything from an uncomfortable feeling or emotion, a bad habit, right up to an intense phobia, post traumatic stress disorder and addictive behaviours.

The BWRT ‘journey’ should not be unpleasant but should be a personal and practical one.  I will seek to truly understand your unique ‘issues’ and work together to obtain the best results possible in the quickest time.

The session will usually take about an hour, I will ask you to target the thing you do not like/want to change and for you to focus on how you would rather be. 

As long as you have the ability to ‘visualise images’ and ‘recall memories’ you will be astounded by the results of this treatment

It sounds simple and it is simple and straightforward.  You are not days, weeks, months ‘in therapy’ regurgitating years of trauma and grief discussing it.  This fantastic therapy makes you ‘think about it’ and you let it go.

Depending on the nature of the issues being addressed I may ask you to complete some simple homework – most clients find this easy and helpful.

Why not get in touch? You’ve nothing to lose, and everything to gain.